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Bucharest General Mayor Voices Out Restructuring, Staff Cuts To Improve Services

Bucharest general mayor Sorin Oprescu on Monday said he would resort to staff cuts and restructure several bodies under the authority of the Bucharest mayoralty, in a move to render services more efficient.
Bucharest General Mayor Voices Out Restructuring, Staff Cuts To Improve Services
17 aug. 2009, 18:12, English

"As mayor, I am directly responsible for the staff within all institutions in Bucharest, from theaters to public administrations, which are subordinated to the Bucharest General Council," Oprescu said.

Oprescu said the announcement made by the representatives of several ministries and administrative bodies countrywide, regarding staff cuts in the local public administration, "is not legally grounded, as the process targets nearly 23,000 employees, not 1,073."

Furthermore, he said he would meet Tuesday with all 48 directors of institutions and administrative bodies, adding he would ask them to come up with solutions meant to improve services within these institutions. 

According to Oprescu, after the meeting, the competent structures within the Bucharest mayoralty and the committees within the Bucharest General Council will discuss the need to restructure the administrative apparatus within the Bucharest mayoralty.