Oita said the company is not involved in military affairs.
“Mircea Basescu signed the papers in the morning. Cazacu’s daughter signed them in the afternoon,” Oita said, adding he does not want to close down the company.
Asked how come he associated with the president’s brother, Oita said he asked for Mircea Basescu’s help in the agriculture produces sector, due to the latter’s capability and experience.
Oita said he has known Mircea Basescu for ten years.
Oita went on saying Desintco did not deal with military affairs, the company having no CAEN codes to permit it deal in military or security affairs.
Mircea Basesu is associated with the daughter of weapon constructor Romarm’s former manager Aurel Cazacu and with retired general in the Ministry of Defense Sandu Ion Eftimie.
According to the Trade Registry, the associates are Oita Romeo, Sandu Ion-Eftimie, Mircea Basescu, Geamanu-Grigore-Andrei-Cristian and Cazacu Maria Cristina.
Filmed with a hidden camera by Antena 3 private television channel, Mircea Basescu stated on Thursday evening he has no collaboration with any general and no activity in military affairs.
He denied the partnership even when he saw the documents printed from the website of the Trade Registry, which prove he is shareholder in the company.
The president’s brother said he knew only “Geamanu”, who made him a business proposition which he did not accept.
On Friday, after the presidency issued the official statement, Mircea Basescu said he received a call from his brother and will commence procedures to withdraw from the respective company.
Aurel Cazacu, who holds a top position in the Economy Ministry, told Realitatea TV channel he will take his daughter out of the business.
Romanian President Traian Basescu asked his brother, Mircea Basescu, to withdraw from a company the press reported might be involved in various military contracts, pointing out that the respective company was not involved in such contracts.