The government made this decision in the Cabinet meeting Wednesday. The decision was included it the law pack on education for which the Government will take responsibility before Parliament.
The Government also decided that university professors would retire at the age of 65, a proposition included the law pack forwarded by the presidential committee run by former education minister Mircea Miclea, and not at the age of 70. The provision will also be applied to professors coordinating PhD theses, the same sources said.
"In the wake of thorough talks, we decided professors would retire at age 65, including professors coordinating PhDs. Education minister Ecaterina Andronescu insisted that at least coordinating professors should retire at age 70, but the prime minister disagreed with the request," the quoted sources said.
Under the country’s draft Code of Education, put up for public debate on the Education Ministry’s website (, lecturers and professors are allowed to carry through the teaching activity after the age of 65 as tenured didactic staff, upon request, based on the annual approval of the university’s Senate.
The same draft stipulates that professors coordinating PhDs are allowed to practice until the age of 70.
The draft Code also stipulates that the salaries of teachers and school managers will be set in ratio with the length of service.
The information was subsequently confirmed by Prime Minister Emil Boc, who stressed the draw law on education is based on the National Pact for Education, as stipulated in the governing program and the Strategy for education and research for knowledge society. The Strategy was previously drafted by the Miclea committee on the basis of the Pact for Education and was included in the governing program.
According to Boc, the financing grid in the pre-university education system is based on three types of financing, namely the basis financing in ratio with cost standards per pupil or student, complementary financing for investments and additional financing for rewarding schools or other achievements.