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Public Sector Employees To Take Days Off Without Pay Btw October-December ’09

The Romanian Government postponed the enforcement of the measure to cut wage spending by 15.5% by making public sector employees take days off without pay in the interval October-December 2009, a month later than initially decided.
Public Sector Employees To Take Days Off Without Pay Btw October-December '09
07 sept. 2009, 10:10, English

The new interval is included in the draft law on public sector spending, for which the Government will assume responsibility before Parliament.

“In order to fit within the budget constraints determined by the economic crisis, the heads of authorities and public institutions, regardless of the financing manner, are obligated to reduce staff spending by a monthly average of 15.5% between October and December 2009,” the final draft said.

Employees will take days off without pay regardless of their status within the limit of ten working days and will have reduced working hours.

The measure will be enforced in agreement with the employee, after consultations with the unionists or representatives of the employees.

The military staff within the national defense institutions, public order and national safety will have days off up to 14 calendaristic days.