The government established Wednesday the methodological norms for the application of these provisions, included in Law 239/2009 and Law 240/2009.
„In case of twins, the family will receive an indemnity worth RON600 for the first child or, optionally, worth 85% of the average income achieved in the past twelve months, but no more than RON4,000. Starting with the second child, the family will receive RON600 indemnity,” said Labor Minister Marian Sarbu.
The dignitary added this measure will apply to 1,726 families with twins and 20 families with triplets.
Despite the lengthy process of developing the methodological norms for these measures, the families will receive these indemnities retroactively.
The official added the reduction of income through unpaid vacations that will be applied in the near future will not have an impact for the women who will give birth later, because the calculation of indemnities considers the base salary, not the paid one.