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Unitary Wage Law To Include Distinct Chapter For Emergency Health Sector – Romanian Health Min

The final format of the unitary wage law will include a distinct chapter regarding basic wages of specialized and auxiliary personnel in emergency healthcare, Romanian Health Minister Ion Bazac said Monday.
Unitary Wage Law To Include Distinct Chapter For Emergency Health Sector – Romanian Health Min
14 sept. 2009, 16:42, English

The amendment to the wage grid for staff working in the emergency health sector brought by unions of ambulance workers was upheld by the health minister and was taken into account by the Government.

Bazac said the new chapter included in the law will list, separately, the wage quotients for the personnel working in ambulance services, emergency rooms, UPU-SMURD units and emergency wards.

Bazac met with the leaders of ambulance unions on September 9, when the unionists requested a separate chapter on the wage grid for staff working in emergency healthcare services.

Thus, unionists suspended protests determined by certain provisions of the unitary wage law.