Berceanu met Tuesday with managers of CFR Calatori, CFR SA and CFR Marfa and the sub-secretary of state, whose negoatiations with unionists in the sector was halted, and told managers they would be the first to be fired unless solutions are found to pay railway workers and the companies would have to resort to layoffs, the sources said.
Berceanu also said he does not understand why talks between the unionists and the management of the three companies have been halted, the same sources said.
Early September, railroad unions approached the management of CFR SA, CFR Marfa and CFR Calatori with a set of 18 measures for the financial mending of the railroad system.
Measures proposed by the unionists include the removal of discrepancies between the access toll on roads and railroads, a ban on the transport of hazardous freight on roads, as well as the development of combined RO-LA transport and container transport.
Another measure proposed was for the state to stop subsidizing private operators on operable lines. In addition, the unions requested the termination of contracts concluded with security companies.
Other propositions targeted the removal of excise taxes on diesel oil, the drafting of normative acts meant to discourage fraudulent travels, a transfer of wagon overhaul activities to CFR SA and overall state-paid infrastructure upkeep, where the state would not pay just for capital repairs, as it did so far.
The Ministry of Transport, majority shareholder of CFR SA, CFR Calatori and CFR Marfa, plans to lay off some 11,000 railroad employees.
Iulian Mantescu, a union leader, recently said the unions agree with the layoffs if they are performed next year and severance pay amounts to 24 salaries for each employee.