„If we in Central and Eastern Europe want to be taken seriously, we must raise our game. We must bring relevant contributions to global debates and eliminate excuses for not being credible partners,” writes Geoana, a former ambassador to the U.S. and a former foreign minister.
„Concretely, on issues like missile defense we must not get distracted by the size of the American footprint in Central and Eastern Europe when what matters is the level of protection provided by new technology,” he adds in his article titled „Ticking the Wrong Boxes”.
Former communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe have recorded various degrees of progress, but have contributed to a perception that they are less than reliable partners for discussions or capable of consistent contributions to the most pressing debates in international affairs.
„This must change,” writes Geoana, who is running for president of Romania at the end of November.
Central and Eastern Europe, he writes, „must combine what it already has with credible and sustained efforts to achieve what it needs: a seat at the tables where important decisions are made, a credible voice in those discussions, a broader and deeper relationship with United States, Western Europe and the world.”
„We are at the crossroads of energy sources and energy markets. Our economies are integrated into global flows of both capital and goods and services. We are a stone’s throw away from frozen conflicts and areas of instability. And yes, we are within range of the missiles that Iran continues to develop,” Geoana writes, adding that security cannot be divorced from finance or energy any more than development or environmental issues can be divorced from politics or security.”
„When it comes to handling Russia, we must find ways to advance the debate, not hijack it, so it would enhance progress and not prevent it,” Geoana writes.
Romania’s social democrat leader also writes he thinks it is fair to say that the Obama administration’s shift in missile-defense policy created a „delicate” moment for Central and Eastern Europe, but an impasse need not be a crisis and it would be far better to see it as an opportunity.
„This relationship does not need a reset button. It does, however, deserve an upgrade,” Geoana writes in the conclusion of his article.