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Romania Labor Ministry Wants 8,000 Work Permits Released For Foreigners In 2010

Romania might release 8,000 work permits in 2010 for citizens of non-European Union countries, which would bring nearly EUR1,600,000 in revenues to the state budget, according to a draft decision put up for debate by the country’s Labor Ministry.
Romania Labor Ministry Wants 8,000 Work Permits Released For Foreigners In 2010
24 nov. 2009, 15:58, English

The draft act’s signatories said the release of one work permit costs EUR200, adding students or temporary workers will pay only EUR50.

The draft sets a total number of 8,000 work permits will be issued in 2010 to foreigners wishing to work in Romania based on prior legal decisions issued by a foreign legal entity, and distributed on types of work permits.

Under the draft, 5,500 work permits will be issued for permanent workers, 1,000 permits for transferred workers, 400 permits for temporary workers, 100 nominal work permits, 200 permits for interns, 500 permits for athletes and 300 for transborder workers. Also, employers will pay law-regulated taxes and contributions for permanent or assimilated workers.

It also stipulates that, if the number of applications for the release of work permits exceeds the number originally set, than, the government can approve a decision to increase it, at the request of the Labor Ministry.

The Labor Ministry said 3.620 work permits were issued until November 12, 2009, of which, 2,223 for permanent workers (of which 70 permits for foreigners who study in Romania and are entitled to work), 1,283 permits for transferred workers, two permits for temporary workers, 110 for athletes and one permit for each intern and transborder worker.

Last year, 4,759 work permits of a total 15,000 were released for transferred workers, accounting for nearly 32% of the total number of work permits issued in 2008.