Prima pagină » English » Nearly 3,000 Romanians Voted In Italy, Over 2,000 In Spain And Over 4,000 In Moldova By GMT0800

Nearly 3,000 Romanians Voted In Italy, Over 2,000 In Spain And Over 4,000 In Moldova By GMT0800

Nearly 3,000 Romanians voted Sunday by GMT0800 in Italy, 2,200 in Spain and 4,100 in the Republic of Moldova, the Foreign Affairs Ministry said.
Nearly 3,000 Romanians Voted In Italy, Over 2,000 In Spain And Over 4,000 In Moldova By GMT0800
06 dec. 2009, 12:25, English

The Ministry also said 220 Romanians had voted in Austria by GMT0800.

The first Romanian to vote abroad was the country’s ambassador to Australia, Mihai Stuparu, who voted in Auckland, New Zeeland. The Ministry said about 450 Romanians voted abroad by the time polls opened in the country.

The Defense Ministry said over a quarter of Romania’s 1,045 troops deployed in Afghanistan by GMT0800. Also, 12.2% of troops deployed to Kosovo voted by the same time.

Over 90,000 Romanians abroad cast ballots in the first round of presidential elections held on November 22.

The last polling station abroad closes Monday at GMT0500 on the west coast of the United States.