Prima pagină » English » Videanu: Basescu – 50.7%, Geoana – 49.3% After Vote Count In About 39.87% Polling Stations

Videanu: Basescu – 50.7%, Geoana – 49.3% After Vote Count In About 39.87% Polling Stations

Romanian democrat liberal vice-president Adrian Videanu says count in nearly 39.87% of polling stations show Basescu leading the vote with 50.7%, while social democrat Mircea Geoana secured 49.3% of the votes.
Videanu: Basescu – 50.7%, Geoana – 49.3% After Vote Count In About 39.87% Polling Stations
06 dec. 2009, 23:02, English

Videanu said votes were counted in polling stations throughout the country, except one county and one district of capital city Bucharest.

Videanu said earlier the count in nearly 15% of polling stations show Basescu leading the vote with 50.35%, while social democrat Mircea Geoana secured 49.65% of the votes.

Democrat liberal Emil Boc said that in the 2004 presidential elections exit-polls showed Basescu lost election, adding the votes cast by Romanian abroad are decisive.

Boc added ballots cast by Romanian abroad have not been counted yet.

Both candidates claim to have won as three exit polls by GMT1900 show Geoana winner of the presidential election runoff and only one shows Basescu in the lead. While polls in the country have closed, 204 polling stations out of 294 set up abroad are still open. The last polling stations close Monday morning at GMT0500 on the west coast of the United States.

The Romanian Foreign Ministry said that, according to information received from the presidents of voting stations abroad, by GMT1700, around 108,000 Romanian citizens living outside the country had voted.