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Romania’s President Voted By Over 70% Of Romanians In Italy, Spain, U.S.A, Moldova

Romania’s incumbent President Traian Basescu was voted by more than 70% of Romanians in Italy, Spain, the Republic of Moldova and the U.S.A, while most Romanians in Russia, Belarus, Afghanistan and Kosovo voted for social democrat contender Mircea Geoana.
Romania’s President Voted By Over 70% Of Romanians In Italy, Spain, U.S.A, Moldova
07 dec. 2009, 15:48, English

In Spain, Basescu obtained 81.1% of the ballots, while Geoana secured only 18.8%.

Basescu got 77.76% of the votes cast by Romanians in Italy and only 22.23% of them supported Geoana.

In the Republic of Moldova, Basescu secured 94.82% of the ballots and Geoana got a modicum 5.17%.

In the U.S.A, 80.21% of Romanians voters backed Basescu and 19.78% chose to support Geoana.

Basescu got 78.92% of votes in France, 71.36% in Germany, 79.48% in Greece and 81% in Canada.

Geoana secured 50% of votes cast by Romanians in Afghanistan and Kosovo. Thus, in Kosovo he got 52.05% of votes and in Afghanistan 57.54%. In Russia, Geoana was backed by 54.93% of the 150 Romanians who cast ballots.

The social democrat leader also gained majority in Albany, Algeria, Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Belarus.

Therefore, 78.86% of the Romanian expats supported Basescu who secured 115,831 of their votes, compared to the 31.045 votes got by his contender.

Romania’s incumbent president Traian Basescu obtained 50.33% of the votes in the second round of elections and social democrat contender Mircea Geoana got 49.66%, according to preliminary results released Monday by the Central Electoral Bureau after counts in 99.95% of polling stations.