Prices could be kept unchanged if „we do not face ringing frost” or problems in the national transport system, Lificiu said on B1 TV.
Lificiu claims Romanian household consumers pay the lowest prices for natural gas in the European Union, at 50% of the EU’s average price.
The price of natural gas will increase in Romania as of April and people with low incomes will get state aid for tehir bills, Economy Ministry secretary of state Tudor Serban said Monday.
In December 2009, Lificiu said the price of natural gas will not be changed at least until April 1, 2010.
The household natural gas price dropped 8% in 2009. According to ANRE’s regulations, the price of natural gas varies between 73.36 lei (EUR1=RON4.1319)/MWh and RON96.48 /MWh, according to the consumption level.