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Romania’s Feb Forex Reserves Rise EUR1.7B To EUR29.74B

Romanian foreign exchange reserves rose EUR1.7 billion in February to an all-time high of EUR29.739 billion, fueled by two tranches from the International Monetary Fund, according to central bank data released Monday.
Romania's Feb Forex Reserves Rise EUR1.7B To EUR29.74B
01 mart. 2010, 13:07, English

End-January, hard currency reserves were at EUR28.037 billion.

The central bank said foreign exchange inflows stood at EUR3 billion in February, mostly from the third and fourth tranches of the stand-by agreement. Last month, Romania received EUR2.45 billion of the total EUR13 billion loan.

Outflows from reserves totaled EUR1.3 billion in February.

In addition to its foreign exchange reserves, the central bank reported holdings of 103.7 metric tons of gold with a total market value of EUR2.726 billion.

Therefore, Romania’s overall international reserves amounted to EUR32.465 billion in February, compared with EUR30.623 billion at the end of January.

The payments due on public and publicly guaranteed external debt in March amount to EUR80 million, according to the central bank.