On the other hand, household maintenance expenses might increase.
According to the study, the most drastic measures will be taken by smokers. More than four in ten smokers said they plan to cut spending on cigarettes. One in these four said he/she considers giving up smoking, while the remaining three said they plan to smoke less or switch to cheaper cigarettes.
Moreover, four in ten Romanians also plan to spend less on alcohol this year.
Romanians plan to cut expenses with clothes or electronic and household appliances.
Manuela Danil, Senior Researcher of 360insights, said people will also reconsider the way in which they spend their free time, adding they will choose not to go to restaurants, clubs or the theatre so often.
On the other hand, Romanians do not plan to reduce the budget for basic foodstuff, such as fruit, vegetables, dairy products or meat, and will maintain it at the level of 2009, but will spend less on juice, sweets or coffee.
About 16% of the respondents said they might spend more on products for children.
Romanians will also make negligible expenses cuts as regards pharmaceutical products.
According to the research, Romanians consider that paying energy, running water or natural gas bills are vital and will not save money in this case. Moreover, 17% of the respondents said they might even spend more on utilities this year due to an increase in gas and energy prices.
The research is based on the answers provided by 800 participants aged between 16 and 64.