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Romania Eyes Amending Legislation On Residential Thermal Refurbishment – PM

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc on Friday said the government plans to amend the legislation regulating the thermal refurbishment of apartment buildings, so that local authorities can take out bank loans to co-fund thermal upgrade works.
Romania Eyes Amending Legislation On Residential Thermal Refurbishment  – PM
05 mart. 2010, 14:45, English

„Romania will continue its thermal refurbishment program in 2010, but the government plans to amend the legislation to allow local authorities to take out bank loans for co-financing. In addition, thermal refurbishment works will be declared public utility works to better support the program,” Boc said.

Boc stressed the program is running smoothly countrywide and referred to northwestern city of Cluj-Napoca where the mayoralty had spotted co-financing sources ahead of time.

Boc also said there are counties where the number of applications exceeds the level of available funds, adding, the program is based on the „first come, first served” principle.

The Prime Minister added that, to solve the pile of applications, funds will be transferred from the local authorities that fail to observe norms in due time onto authorities that are more efficient.