RA-APPS argues that, apart from the impact of the recession, its revenues decreased substantially since the Natioanl Printing House took over its electronic passport issuing activities and no longer has enough money to ensure the palace’s upkeep.
RA-APPS estimates the palace’s administrative expenses will rise to over 750,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.0958) this year because of higher utility prices, the sources said.
They added the Government passed a resolution in 2001 stating state residences may be occupied for free, but tenants must cover administrative expenses and RA-APPS covers only the cost of capital repair works.
Seven years ago, the Government decided RA-APPS was to pay for the upkeep of the Elisabeta Palace from its own revenues. In 2006, the palace was given to Romania’s King Michael I as state residence.
The palace, built in 1937 for Princess Elisabeta of Romania, daughter to Queen Maria dn King Ferdinand, was not a royal residence for long as King Michael was forced to abdicate in 1948 and leave the country, together with the entire royal family.
During the communist regime, the palace was turned into a state residence and became a hotel after the fall of communism in 1989. The palace was never made a museum, as it was returned to the royal family in 2001 and currently serves as residence to Princess Margareta and Prince Radu.