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Romanian Social Democrat Head Deems Kaczynski’s Death Great Loss For Poland And EU

Romania’s opposition social democrat leader Victor Ponta on Saturday said the "death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski is a great loss not only for Poland, but also for the European Union."
Romanian Social Democrat Head Deems Kaczynski’s Death Great Loss For Poland And EU
10 apr. 2010, 16:30, English

Ponta said Kaczynski has brought pragmatism and political balance to the European Union, as a result of his true devotion and strong support for the welfare of the Polish people.

Ponta added that Poland has managed to become an example to follow under Kaczynski’s leadership, stressing Poland’s economy is one of the few economies in the region that remained stable during the economic crisis.

Ponta said he „coveys his sympathy and sorrow to the families of the victims and to the Polish people and also expresses deep condolences on behalf of the Social Democratic Party.”

Romania’s Senate Chairman, social democrat Mircea Geoana, on Saturday offered his „profound condolences to the Polish people and the families of senior officials” killed in the plane crash in Russia earlier Saturday.

Geoana said the death of Kaczynski and of other prominent military, political and economic figures is an enormous loss for the European Union and especially for Poland’s traditional partners, including Romania.

A plane carrying Kaczynski, his wife Maria and other high-ranking officials crashed in a heavy fog in western Russia Saturday morning, killing all people aboard, Polish officials said.

Kaczynski was flying to Katyn, near Smolensk, for events marking the 70th anniversary of the massacre of thousands of Polish officers by Soviet secret police in Katyn and elsewhere during World War II.

The plane crash occurred three days after Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his Polish counterpart Donald Tusk attended a memorial for the victims of the massacre at Katyn.

Kaczynski, 60, became president in December 2005 after defeating Tusk in that year’s presidential elections.

Crowds gathered Saturday in Polish capital Warsaw to lay flowers and light candles for Kaczynski, whose death raises questions for Poland’s government.