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Romanian Govt Passes Bill Fighting Transport Piracy

Romania’s Government approved Monday an emergency decree fighting piracy in road transpiration, a bill demanded by transporters’ union COTAR, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.
Romanian Govt Passes Bill Fighting Transport Piracy
12 apr. 2010, 10:20, English

About one month ago, Government officials and representatives of transporter union COTAR signed a protocol to solve the claims of the union, which subsequently discarded planned protests.

Under the protocol, the Government was to adopt an emergency decree against piracy in passenger transportation, within one week, and also set a schedule for the enactment of a unitary transport bill.

Before the signing of the protocol, more than 11,000 Romanian transporters were set to protest at the Government’s headquarters, demanding fines against unlicensed transport firms, the extension of transport licenses until 2016 and a single bill to regulate passenger transport.