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Romanian Taxi Drivers Picking Up Clients Inside Airports Fined RON500 To RON1,000– Bill

Taxi drivers in Romania who pick up clients inside airport premises will be fined 500 lei (EUR1=RON4.1425) up to RON1,000, according to an emergency decree fighting piracy in road transportation, a bill demanded by Romanian transporters’ union COTAR.
Romanian Taxi Drivers Picking Up Clients Inside Airports Fined RON500 To RON1,000– Bill
13 apr. 2010, 19:55, English

The Romanian government approved the decree in its meeting Monday.

Romania’s valid legislation bans taxi drivers from picking up clients inside airport premises, but does not set fines for this kind of deeds.

COTAR president Vasile Stefanescu said Tuesday that over 8,000 transporters would protest Wednesday outside the Government building, urging the Executive to provide evidence that it passed the decree fighting piracy in road transportation.

About one month ago, Government officials and COTAR representatives signed a protocol to solve the claims of the union, which subsequently discarded planned protests.

Under the protocol, the government was to adopt an emergency decree against piracy in passenger transportation, within one week, and also set a schedule for the enactment of a unitary transport bill.