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More Than Half Of Light Car Accidents In Romania Solved Amiably In 2H 2009

Nearly 58% of car accidents that occurred in Romania in the second half of last year were solved using amiable settlement, introduced as of July 1 last year, said Thursday Angela Toncescu, head of Romania’s insurance regulator CSA.
More Than Half Of Light Car Accidents In Romania Solved Amiably In 2H 2009
15 apr. 2010, 11:39, English

„Between July 1 and December 31, 2009, out of a total 188,555 damage claim files for car accidents registered by insurers, 109,173 cases, or 57.9%, were settled amiably,” Toncescu said during a seminar.

As of July 1, 2009, Romanian drivers involved in fender benders no longer face fines or license suspensions, provided they choose to settle the incident amiably.

The procedure, regulated by Law 136/1995 on insurance and re-insurance in Romania, Government emergency Ordinance 195/2002 with respect to traffic on public roads and the Order 21/2008 of the Insurance Supervisory Commission applying the norms on the use of accident amiable resolution form, only applies for small accidents involving two cars, provided the incident does not result in injuries or casualties.

Drivers involved in fender benders will only have to fill in a form and file it to their insurer and no longer need to notify the police and have it register the accident.