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Romanian Govt Amends National Housing Agency Functioning Norms

Romania’s Government adopted Wednesday a decision to amend the norms regulating the functioning of the National Housing Agency, or ANL.
Romanian Govt Amends National Housing Agency Functioning Norms
21 apr. 2010, 15:37, English

The proposition to amend ANL’s functioning norms was made by the Tourism and Regional Development Ministry and the new norms will enable authorities to enforce the amendments to Law 152/1998 setting up the housing agency.

According to these amendments, youths can apply to buy their rented ANL-built homes at least one year after signing the lease contract.

According to the law, the sale price of ANL homes will be set by local public administration authorities or by the economic operators who administer the respective homes, and will include a sale commission of about 1%.

The money obtained from selling ANL homes will be used to further finance the program constructing homes to be rented by youths.