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Romanian NGOs Represented By Six Magistrates In High Council – Draft Revised Constitution

The draft law revising Romania’s Constitution stipulates that six of the 19 members of the High Council of Magistrates (CSM) will represent non-government organizations, three of whom would be appointed by the Parliament and three by the head of state.
Romanian NGOs Represented By Six Magistrates In High Council - Draft Revised Constitution
22 apr. 2010, 00:53, English

The current Constitution provides only for two magistrates representing civil society, both appointed by the Parliament.

These representatives of NGOs must be „specialists in law” and „enjoy a high professional and moral reputation.”

Ten of the other Council members will be elected by the general assemblies of magistrates, just as per current legislation. The remaining three members are the Minister of Justice, the head of the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor General.

The revised Constitution will also reduce the term of all Council members, from six years to four.

Romania’s Government has decided to put forward a draft law for the revision of the Constitution, providing for, among other things, a single-chamber Parliament and a maximum of 300 MPs, which was forwarded to the head of state.