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Romania’s Econ Min Says Tax Auth Should Foreclose Debtors’ Assets

Romania’s Economy Minister Adriean Videanu on Thursday said that the tax authority ANAF should foreclose the assets of some companies, as state-owned mining firm CNH, that would never pay their debts to the state budget, otherwise the respective debts will never be recovered.
Romania’s Econ Min Says Tax Auth Should Foreclose Debtors’ Assets
22 apr. 2010, 14:22, English

CNH, owned by the Economy Ministry, is the biggest debtor to the state budget. Its debts to the budget might rise this year by 28%, to 4.11 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1411), compared with RON3.2 billion in December 2009.

Videanu said ANAF should confiscate CNH’s assets under guarantee, and the Economy Ministry might redeem part of the respective assets to integrate them afterwards in the two national power holdings that the government plans to set up, Electra and Hidroenergetica.

The Government [plans to set up the two national power holdings will by June 30, at the latest.