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Romanian Govt Sets Up Committee To Fight Illegal Employment

Romania’s Government will set up an inter-ministry committee against illegal employment, which will coordinate the monitoring, prevention, evaluation and combat against undeclared activities, on the basis of information passed on by relevant bodies.
Romanian Govt Sets Up Committee To Fight Illegal Employment
30 apr. 2010, 17:47, English

The committee will be made up of two representatives each from the Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Finances, Ministry of Interior, Government General Secretariat, Labor Inspection and National Institute of Scientific Research in Labor and Social Protection, according to a recently approved Government decision. The new structure will be run by the Government General Secretariat and every body with duties in the field will be required to provide the committee with the requested information.

The committee will also include a technical workgroup made up of representatives of the Financial Guard, Police General Inspectorate, Romanian Immigration Office, National Institute of Statistics, members of trade and employers’ unions and an official on behalf of civil society.