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Romanian Govt Mulls Taxing Child, Disabled Benefits By 15% – Sources

Romania’s Government is considering taxing several social benefits, such as allowances for children or people with disabilities, by 15%, in an attempt to reduce budget spending, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Friday.
Romanian Govt Mulls Taxing Child, Disabled Benefits By 15% - Sources
07 mai 2010, 18:58, English

Dumitru Costin, leader of the National Trade Union Bloc, stated Friday that, according to his „sources,” the Government had decided to cut allowances for children by 15%.

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday, after talks with International Monetary Fund officials, pensions will decrease by 15% and salary funds in the public sector by 25%, which will also impact the minimum wage, adding subsidies will be drastically reduced. The president said the money obtained after subsidy cuts will be allotted to those who really need financial help.

Romania’s five union federation leaders met Friday morning to schedule protests which will follow the decrease of pensions, wage funds, unemployment aid rates and subsidies.