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Romanian Farmers Picket Govt HQ Tuesday Calling For Subsidies, EU Funds

Over 1,200 Romanian farmers picket Tuesday for two hours the Government’s headquarters, calling for payment of overdue subsidies, lower excises on fuel used in farming and access to EU funds.
Romanian Farmers Picket Govt HQ Tuesday Calling For Subsidies, EU Funds
11 mai 2010, 13:46, English

Farmers call on Agriculture Ministry officials to resign, as they failed to take the necessary measures to solve the problems the agriculture sector is currently facing.

Agrostar Federation leader Nicolae Stefan said that, if authorities do not comply with the farmers’ demands, protests will be staged countrywide. Stefan added farmers might also block European roads starting June 1.

The union leader highlighted that more than half of the Romanian farmers are on the verge of halting their activity, as sales of agricultural products fell seriously.

Farmers also call on authorities to counter tax evasion.