The future special law regulating copyright, civil conventions and authorized individuals’ activities will also affect people who have work cards.
The labor minister said the special law will set a 5% health insurance contribution and a 5% contribution to the pension fund for income gained from copyright and civil conventions.
According to a draft emergency decree amending the Fiscal Code, the deductible quotas for income gained from intellectual property rights will be reduced to half, from 40% to 20% of the gross income, and deductible quotas for income gained from creating monumental artworks will also be reduced from 50% to 25% of the gross income.
A document recently drawn up by the Finance Ministry shows that the Government estimates to collect extra revenues totaling 76 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1724) in 2010 by collecting social security contributions for income gained from copyright and by reducing deductible quotas from 40% to 25%.