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Romania Scraps Free Public Transport For Revolutionaries, Descendants Of Martyr Heroes

Romanian revolutionaries of December 1989 and descendants of the country’s martyr heroes will no longer get free public road and rail transportation, trousseaus for newborns will be eliminated, along with severance payments for laid off workers.
Romania Scraps Free Public Transport For Revolutionaries, Descendants Of Martyr Heroes
27 mai 2010, 13:05, English

According to the draft law concerning budget expenditure cuts, for which the Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament, severance payments will also be eliminated for employees in the military and railway industries.

Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday the Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament for two draft laws, one concerning budget expenditure cuts, and the other regulating the new contribution-based pension system and reevaluating disability pensions. The draft laws will be submitted to Parliament after they are approved by the Economic and Social Economic Council.

The 25% cut in public sector wages is part of a cost-cutting plan the Government will implement in order to bring the budget deficit to below 6.8% of the GDP from 7.3% last year and meet the agreement for a EUR20 billion rescue loan from the IMF, EU and the World Bank.

According to the draft law on pensions, special pensions of magistrates, lawmakers, air force staff and former Court of Accounts staff will be recalculated within one month, while pensions of former militaries, police officers and penitentiary system workers will be recalculated within five months.