Radoi said the wage cuts would breach the collective labor contract and determine subway employees to go on a full-blown strike indefinitely, as of mid-June. He added that unionists will not accept any wage cuts whatsoever, be they 25% or less.
Public transport authority RATB unionists called off Tuesday’s solidarity strike after two hours. Local Public Transport Union Federation leader Vasile Petrariu said Tuesday morning that employees who had gone on strike were replaced with colleagues affiliated to another union. Petrariu accused the members of the other union of sabotaging the strike.
RATB unionists who operate trams and trolleybuses and subway unionists went on a solidarity strike Tuesday morning at 4 A.M.. RATB unionists called off their protest six hours early, although they had initially announced it would last until noon.
Subway unionists had initially announced that Tuesday’s solidarity strike would last until 4 P.M., but eventually shortened the protest by four hours, at the plea of a humanitarian foundation which will hold a charity concert Tuesday in downtown Bucharest’s central Constitutiei.
Romania’s Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Monday that Labor, Finance and Justice Ministry representatives will draft a law by Wednesday, which will enforce 25% wage cuts for state-run company employees.
However, Romania’s Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said that the wages of state-run employees will not be cut by 25%, adding that a draft law is being drawn up and that he cannot provide any further information on the matter.