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Over Half Of Romanians Would Set Up Their Own Business – Survey

Over 52% of Romanians would like to set up their own business and 42% of them would start a business if they inherited a significant amount of money, says a Eurobarometer study published by the European Commission.
Over Half Of Romanians Would Set Up Their Own Business - Survey
06 iun. 2010, 17:37, English

About 60% of the Greek respondents said they would set up a business and 21% of them said they would set up a business if they inherited money. Respondents in Belgium and Denmark were among the least likely to prefer self-employment (30%-32%) and less than 10% of Danes and Bulgarians said they would start a business with the money they inherited (5%-7%), according to the survey.

In Romania, 45% of the respondents said they choose to be employees as they want to have regular income, 32% of them said they do not have enough money to start their own business, and 20% of Romanians mentioned job security.

According to the poll, EU citizens who preferred to be an employee were most likely to give reasons related to the security of employee status to explain their choice for this type of employment. Four in 10 respondents mentioned a regular and fixed income and 35% mentioned stability of employment. Other factors were fixed working hours (16% of EU citizens) and protection by social security and insurances (13%).

About 55% of the Romanian respondents who expressed a preference for self-employment made this choice because of the freedom provided, and 39% would prefer to be self-employed because this would offer better income prospects.

The survey on entrepreneurship was conducted in December 2009 by the Gallup Organization in the EU, EFTA countries, Croatia, Turkey, the U.S., Japan, South Korea and China. The survey polled 26,000 respondents and focused on entrepreneurship development and business initiative.