Speaking Tuesday in the flood-hit area of Darmanesti, in northeastern Suceava county, Boc said ministries are working to reprioritize investments in order to redirect funds to the rehabilitation of infrastructure and houses in areas severely affected by recent floods.
Mid-June this year, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Romania will revise the budget for the first time in 2010 in July, when the government is also expected to discuss the possibility of taking out a new international loan. Borbely also said at the time that Romania could ask for a new loan this year, depending on the economic performance during the first year-half.
Recent floods in Romania have affected 37 counties and 530 localities between June 23 and July 5, 2010, left 23 people dead and prompted the evacuation of more than 18,000 people. Preliminary data indicate that foods have damaged 41 national roads, 110 county roads, 164 communal roads, 328 bridges, 2042 footbridges and 25,039 fountains.
Weather conditions are not set to improve yet and authorities have issued a new advisory for heavy rain and thunderstorms expected until Tuesday night in northern, eastern, central, south-central and part of southeastern Romania.