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Romanian Graft-Indicted Senator Stays In Custody, Trial Starts In Sept

Romania’s Supreme Court ruled Thursday graft-indicted senator Catalin Voicu is to remain in custody, after it moved the start of the trail to September on Wednesday.
Romanian Graft-Indicted Senator Stays In Custody, Trial Starts In Sept
15 iul. 2010, 11:20, English

The trial in which senator Voicu, former Supreme Court judge Florin Costiniu and businessmen Marius Locic and Costel Casuneanu are charged with corruption has been postponed for September 10.

Mid-May this year, anticorruption prosecutors indicted Voicu, Costiniu Casuneanu and Locic on charges of influence peddling and fraud. The main defendant in the case is Voicu, who has been under arrest since late March whose request for parole has been denied every time. The other three spent three days in jail and will be tried at large.