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Romanian Homeowners Paying Full Utilities Bill Exempt From Penalties

Romanian Conservative Party (PC) vice-president Bogdan Ciuca announced Monday that a PC-sponsored law, which forgives the late-payment penalties of homeowners who pay their entire utilities debts within 12 months, has entered force.
Romanian Homeowners Paying Full Utilities Bill Exempt From Penalties

Ciuca said this exemption will apply to families whose net monthly income per member is less than or equal to 1,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2463). To benefit from the exemption, homeowners must pay their entire outstanding debt, minus late-payment penalties, within 12 months of the law entering force.

Ciuca said it was time the state stepped up to help the poorer citizens of Romania, after forgiving the debts of public companies which were later sold to ‘acquaintances’.

The PC vice-president also said the bill, which entered force on July 23, was endorsed by the MP group of every parliamentary party.