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Romanian Health Minister Requested Healthcare System Hiring Thaw

Romanian Health Minister Cseke Attila confirmed Wednesday that he requested the Government unfreeze the jobs in the healthcare system that must be urgently filled, adding that a decision could be made by the Executive next week.
Romanian Health Minister Requested Healthcare System Hiring Thaw
Thomas Dinca
18 aug. 2010, 15:32, English

Cseke said an unfreezing of every job is unlikely given the economic situation, but that hiring could be unfrozen for at least a few thousand crucial positions.

People close to the matter previously told MEDIAFAX that the health minister requested the Government unfreeze hiring in the public healthcare system. Hiring was halted on January 1, 2009 and the number of employees has been on the decline since. Hospital managers have repeatedly warned that because of the staff shortage, medical assistants are unable to cope with the large number of children who need care.

Four babies died and seven have been injured in an explosion which took place in the intensive care unit of the Giulesti maternity hospital in Bucharest. Romanian prosecutors started a criminal investigation into the accident to determine the people responsible for the tragedy.