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Romanian Govt To Keep Heat Subsidies This Year – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Thursday said heat subsidies will be kept this year, but a new strategy will be applied starting April 2011.
Romanian Govt To Keep Heat Subsidies This Year – PM

Boc said he asked the Government to draft the strategy so that, starting 2011, subsidies will be granted only to people in need of social aid. Boc stressed the new strategy the Government is working on will come into effect starting April 1, 2011.

An interministerial work group in charge with identifying viable solutions regarding heat subsidies for household consumers said it would recommend keeping the subsidies through the next winter, Dan Gheorghiu, president of the Energy Research and Design Institute (ISPE) said Tuesday.

The interministerial work group includes officials of the ministries of economy, labor, administration, environment and finance, as well as representatives of the energy watchdog ANRE and of ISPE.

Last week, Boc asked several ministers to come up with options regarding household subsidies for thermal energy by August 19, after President Traian Basescu announced a series of measures to slash public spending, including subsidy cuts for the energy delivered to population.