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Romanian PM Says Ministers’ Activity Will Be Assessed Only Inside Govt

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Friday said the activity of both Labor Minister Mihail Seitan and of all other ministers, in view of a potential Cabinet reshuffling, will be assessed only inside the Government and together with “decision makers”.
Romanian PM Says Ministers’ Activity Will Be Assessed Only Inside Govt
Florin Radu
27 aug. 2010, 12:21, English

Journalists on Friday asked Boc if Seitan is to blame for the chaos caused by the enforcement of the new regulations stipulating new taxes on copyright royalties and Boc replied that ministers’ activity will be evaluated only inside the Government.

Boc stressed that Cabinet reshuffling can be discussed and operated only inside the Government, together with decision makers, not in public.

Romanian liberals asked Boc to dismiss Seitan for „his disdain toward the people who bring added value to the country and toward the laws of the Romanian state”.

Romania’s Liberal Party spokesperson Mihai Voicu said liberals find outrageous Seitan’s recent statements regarding the enforcement of the new regulations on collecting social security contributions for copyright royalties.

Voicu also said liberals will do their utmost to protect the interests of Romanian freelancers who are affected by this chaos.