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Romanian PM Officially Announces Replacements For Shuffled Ministers

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Thursday announced that ministers Adriean Videanu, Sebastian Vladescu, Mihai Seitan, Mihail Dumitru, Gabriel Sandu and Radu Berceanu would be replaced with Ion Ariton, Gheorghe Ialomitianu, Ioan-Nelu Botis, Valeriu Tabara, Valerian Vreme and Anca Boagiu.
Romanian PM Officially Announces Replacements For Shuffled Ministers
Adelina Dragomir
02 sept. 2010, 21:09, English

If endorsed by the head of state, the nominees will take over the helm of the Ministries of Economy, Finance, Labor, Agriculture, Communications and Transport, respectively.

The prime minister said Adriean Videanu, Radu Berceanu and Gabriel Sandu stepped down. He thanked the shuffled ministers for their efforts as members of the Government.

Boc also said the new minister proposals would be sent for approval to President Traian Basescu.