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Romania’s July Net Salary Down 4.7% M-M To RON1,355

net average salary was at 1,355 lei (EUR1=RON4.2796) in July, down 4.7% compared with the previous month, the National Institute for Statistics, or INS, said Monday.
Romania’s July Net Salary Down 4.7% M-M To RON1,355
Andrei Cîrchelan
06 sept. 2010, 10:04, English

The gross average salary in July was at RON1,868, down 4.3% compared with the previous month

In July 2010, on most economic segments, net average wages were lower than in the previous month, following the enactment of austerity measures, as well as restructuring measures in the private sector.

Employees in the brokerage sector saw the biggest average net salaries in July, of RON3,436, while employees in the hotel and restaurants’ sector were at the opposite pole, with RON799.

July net average salary in agriculture was down 0.6% on the month, at RON1,028, while the employees in the energy sector saw a 7.7% salary increase on the month in July, to RON2,730.

Net salaries in industry averaged RON1,419 in July, up 1.2% from June.

Employees in the tobacco manufacturing products industry saw a 5.7% salary rise on the month in July, to RON3,111.