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Romania’s Population Decreased By 1,157 People In July 2010

Romania's population decreased by 1,157 people on the month in July 2010, driven by a negative natural growth, according to data released Thursday by the National Statistics Institute (INS).
Romania's Population Decreased By 1,157 People In July 2010
Ioana Tudor
09 sept. 2010, 11:56, English

In July 2010, Romania reported 19,029 alive newborns, down 286 compared to the previous month, and 20,186 deceased, down 448 compared to June, the INS said.

According to INS, the negative natural growth, namely, the surplus of deceased compared to the surplus of newborns, triggered a decrease in population by 1,157 people in July. In June, Romania’s population decreased by 1,891 people.

Romania reported 18,546 marriages in July, 12,513 more from June, and 2,330 divorces, down 763 compared to June.

Compared to July 2009, the number of alive newborns was lower by 2,280 in July this year and the number of deceased increased by 592.

In July 2010, the number of marriages was lower by 119 compared to the same interval in 2009, while the number of divorces was up 527.

In July last year, the country’s population shrank by 1,715 people.