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World Bank Might Grant Loans To Help Romanian Agriculture

The World Bank (WB) will look into ways to grant loans to the Romanian agriculture sector, the Romanian Agriculture Ministry said in a press release Monday.
World Bank Might Grant Loans To Help Romanian Agriculture

Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara met Monday with World Bank official Francois Rantrua. World Bank officials reiterated the institution’s intention to continue the collaboration with the ministry to draw up the country’s medium-term agriculture strategy.

The two institutions are likely to cooperate to draw up a new WB strategy, which will set the objectives and the programs to be carried out within the Romania-World Bank partnership.

During the meeting, Tabara presented the priorities on his agenda, among which regulating the land market by introducing the preemption right, updating the agricultural cadastre, extending and enhancing the country’s irrigation system, as well as taking viable measures to reduce tax evasion in the agriculture sector.