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Romanian Parliament Adopts Bill Speeding Up Trials

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies adopted Tuesday with 279 to three votes and four abstentions a bill aiming to speed up trials in the country’s legal system.
Romanian Parliament Adopts Bill Speeding Up Trials
Ioana Tudor
19 oct. 2010, 14:45, English

The Chamber adopted the bill’s articles earlier Tuesday.

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu said the bill reassesses competence among different types of courts in the Romanian judicial system to allow shorter trials. He added the bill also relieves the High Court of Justice of some of its attributions, allowing it to improve its role in unifying jurisprudence.

Shorter trials and unified jurisprudence are among the requisites of the European Commission under the Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification.

The Senate has already adopted the bill and the Chamber of Deputies had the final say on it.