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Romania Ranks 44 In World Economic Forum’s Financial Development Chart

Romania has ranked 44 after being included this year, for the first time, in a World Economic Forum chart of the 57 most developed financial markets worldwide.
Romania Ranks 44 In World Economic Forum’s Financial Development Chart

Romania received a score of 3.05 on a one-to-seven scale. Another new addition to the 2010 Financial Development Report was Morocco.

Romania is immediately outranked by Turkey (42) and Mexico (43), but outranks Hungary (45) and Vietnam (46).

Romania received the best scores for the business environment (4.74 points) and the institutional climate (4.47), ranking 26 in both categories. However, the poorest results were achieved when it comes to financial stability (ranking 50, with 3.77 points), financial and banking services (56, with 2.11 points), non-financial banking services (ranking 53, with 1.44 points), financial market (40, with 1.85 points) and access to financing (40, with 3.01 points).

Regarding the financial market’s capacity of protection against the entry and exit of speculative funds, Romania received the lowest possible score, namely 1 point. Among the 57 countries analyzed, 23 received less than two points in thie category.