The by-election is held Sunday in 23 localities in the county, mostly rural areas, in 133 polling stations. Elections are supervised by a team of the country’s Special Telecommunications Service, which developed the application together with the electoral authority, and this is the first time anti-fraud software is used outside of capital Bucharest. The application aims to prevent multiple voting, underage voting, or the use of ID cards with forged personal numbers, and also allows voter turnout to be reported in real time.
Prefect Attila Dezsi said the software application has been installed on computers in all polling stations and only three polling stations lack internet connections but they are to send their data by phone to the call-center at the prefect’s office.
Polls opened at 7 a.m. and will close at 9 p.m. and over 53,000 voters are expected to choose their future lawmaker from a total of eight candidates, two of whom are independents.
Partial results of the by-election will most likely be available Monday.