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Romanian Gendarmerie To Purchase Riot Control Gear For RON42M

The Romanian Gendarmerie has announced its intention to purchase "riot repression equipment," including protective helmets, pepper spray, submachine guns, rifles, smoke grenades, tear gas grenades and others, for an estimated 42 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2549).
Romanian Gendarmerie To Purchase Riot Control Gear For RON42M

According to the prior information notice on, the Gendarmerie is looking to purchase 10,000 helmets, 475 spray canisters, 300 submachine guns, 406 rifles, 1,000 smoke grenades, 10,500 tear gas grenades and 4.7 million ammo cartridges.

The contract is worth more than RON42.2 million, without VAT. The procurement procedure is due to begin on March 1. The money will be provided from the state budget.