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Manpower: 20% Of Romanian Employers See Moderate Staff Hiring In Q2

About 20% of Romanian employers see a moderate growth in their staff numbers in the second quarter of 2011, and the most optimistic hiring expectations come from the processing industry sector, according to a Manpower survey released Tuesday.
Manpower: 20% Of Romanian Employers See Moderate Staff Hiring In Q2
Oana Gavrila
08 mart. 2011, 10:16, English

On the other hand, 14% of employers expect top cut back on staff numbers, while two thirds see no change in staff numbers for the second quarter.

The survey reveals a net employment outlook of +5%, the most optimistic since the first quarter of 2009.

The net employment outlook is a figure derived by taking the percentage of employers anticipating total employment to increase and subtracting from this the percentage expecting to see a decrease in employment.

The survey polled 64,000 employers in 39 countries and territories. In Romania, Manpower grilled 751 employers.

„Companies are starting to realize that human resources strategies are crucial in long term planning and offer organizations that apply them the expertise and innovation they need to stay competitive in a post-recession business environment,” Eliza Nechifor, marketing and communication coordinator of Manpower Romania, said in a press release.

On a regional level, employers in six of eight regions analyzed in Romania expect an increase in staff numbers in the second quarter of the year. The most optimistic hiring outlook is reported for the South-East region, where the net employment outlook is at +18%.

At the same time, growth in staff number is expected in the Central region (+11%), while the Western region displays a cautiously optimistic net employment outlook of +10%.

Employers in the South-West and North-Eastern regions, however, expect to cut back on staff and the net employment outlook is -5% and -3%, respectively.

By sectors of activity, employers in eight out of ten sectors analyzed expect to hire new staff in the second quarter. Employers in the processing industry have the most optimistic net employment outlook, followed by agriculture, hunting, forestry, constructions and wholesale and retail trade.

On the other hand, employers in energy and utilities, finance, insurance, real estate and services have fewer hiring intentions.

In the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region, the biggest net employment outlooks fro the second quarter are registered in Turkey, Bulgaria, Belgium and Poland, while the lowest outlooks are registered in Greece and Spain.

Manpower Romania is specialized in recruiting qualified people for permanent or temporary jobs, assessing and selecting staff, and offers human resources consultancy. The company has ten agencies in Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Craiova, Pitesti, Ploiesti and Timisoara.