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Around 70 Romanian Pensioners Protest In Bucharest

Around 70 Romanian pensioners are protesting in Bucharest, outside the headquarters of ruling party PDL and the Ministries of Labor and of Health, demanding a higher pension point, the elimination of co-payment in healthcare and of the 5.5% health insurance contribution.
Around 70 Romanian Pensioners Protest In Bucharest

Cristea Toader, leader of a pensioners’ organization, called on Health Minister Attila Cseke to resign, unless he eliminates co-payment.

Labor Minister Ioan Botis told the protesters he cannot make any promises, but invited them back to the ministry on April 7, to discuss their issues further.

The pensioners want the pension point to be raised to 45% of the minimum wage, the elimination of co-payment in healthcare and of health insurance contributions from pensions lower than 1,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.0984), as well as discounted medicine.