Prima pagină » English » Romania’s February Net Salary Dn 0.7% M-M, To RON1,414

Romania’s February Net Salary Dn 0.7% M-M, To RON1,414

Romania’s net average salary in February was at 1,414 lei (EUR1=RON4.1333), down 0.7% compared with the previous month, Romania’s statistics institute said Tuesday.
Romania’s February Net Salary Dn 0.7% M-M, To RON1,414

The gross average salary was at RON1,944 in February, down 1% from the previous month, the statistics data showed.

Employees on the tobacco production segment saw the highest average net salaries, namely RON3,790, while hotel and restaurant employees were at the opposite pole, with RON855.

Net average salary in agriculture was up 0.1% on the month, at RON1,048, while employees in the energy sector saw a 3.6% salary decrease on the month in February, to RON2,512.

Net salaries in industry averaged RON1,397 in February, down 1.1% on the month.

Compared with February 2010, the average net salary in Romania was up 0.2%.