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Romania Could Earn Up To EUR1B Per Year From GM Soybean Farming

Romania is missing out on almost EUR1 billion every year because it does not farm genetically modified soybeans, since the national production potential is about two million tons, Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said Wednesday.
Romania Could Earn Up To EUR1B Per Year From GM Soybean Farming

„Romania imports almost 500,000 tons of soybeans annually from Brazil, the U.S. and other states, and it is produced exclusively through biotechnology. It is unacceptable to be allowed to consume ‘poison,’ but not be allowed to produce it,” said Tabara.

The minister pointed out that Romanians consume a genetically modified product every day – the wheat from which bread is made.

„Romania could grow two million tons of soybeans, as it is the only European state that can produce this plant industrially,” said Tabara, adding that products developed through biotechnology are 40-60% cheaper than the original plants.

The minister thinks Romania could also successfully grow genetically modified corn, with increased resistance to pests.

According to European Union legislation, authorization for the farming or import of genetically modified plants is subject to a vote involving every member state.