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Romania Awards RON3.5B Contracts For Highway Constructions

Romania’s public roads authority CNADNR has awarded construction contracts worth a total 3.45 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1152) for four highway sections in the western part of the country, the authority said Tuesday.
Romania Awards RON3.5B Contracts For Highway Constructions
Valentin Vidu
12 apr. 2011, 14:06, English

Contracts have been awarded for the design and construction of highway sections Nadlac-Arad, Timisoara-Lugoj, Lugoj-Deva and Orastie-Sibiu.

The construction of the Nadlac-Arad section and a connection road has been awarded to Romanian-Portuguese consortium Romstrade-Monteadriano Engenharia e Construcao-Donep Construct (22 km) for RON382.959 million and Germany’s Alpine Bau (16.6 km) for 411.48 million.

The Timisoara-Lugoj highway will be built by Romanian-Italian consortium Spedition UMB-Tehnostrade-Carena SpA Impresa di Costruzioni (10 km) for RON210.36 million and Italian consortium Tirrena Scavi-Societa Italiana per Condotte d’Acqua-Cossi Costruzioni (25 km) for RON445.64 million.

The 27.4 km-long Lugoj-Deva highway will also be built by Tirrena Scavi-Societa Italiana per Condotte d’Acqua- Cossi Construzioni for 681.04 million.

Works for the 82 km-long Orastie-Sibiu highway have been divided between four constructors: Austria’s Strabag (24 km) for RON551.04 million, Romania’s Straco Grup and Italy’s Studio Corona SRL Civil Engineering (20 km) for RON377.78 million, Italy’s Impregilo (22 km) for RON604.79 million and Italian-Romanian consortium Astaldi-Euroconstruct Trading ’98-Astalrom (about 17 km) for RON484.83 million.

Bidders have ten days to contest the results of the auction, the roads authority said in its statements.

The contracts for the highways, which are part of the fourth pan-European transport corridor, are 85% funded by the EU and 15% by Romania’s Government.